Compliance Calendar
Your Financial Credit & Compliance Research Library.
Your Financial Credit & Compliance Research Library.
Effective: | June 1, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | Oregon Oregon House Bill 2009 → |
Tags: | Oregon, Delinquent Loans, Loss Mitigation, Foreclosure |
Oregon House Bill 2009 establishes temporary limitations on lenders' remedies for borrowers' failures to make payments on obligations secured by mortgages, trust deeds, or land sale contracts for certain real property effective June 1, 2021.
Effective: | June 1, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | Colorado Colorado House Bill 21-1224 → |
Tag: | Foreclosure |
Colorado has revised statutes in relation to foreclosure sales of real property effective immediately.
Effective: | June 2, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Freddie Mac Bulletin 2021-20 → |
Tags: | Underwriting, Exclusionary List, Property - Appraisal, Condominiums, Cooperative Share Loans, Notary, Loan Documents |
Quality control (QC) and Exclusionary List
Condominium and Cooperative Projects
Property eligibility and appraisals
Remote notarization
Authorized changes for Security Instruments
See Bulletin for complete details.
Effective: | June 2, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Selling Guide Announcement SEL-2021-05 → |
Tags: | Underwriting, Notary, Certification, Endorsement, and Delivery |
The Selling Guide has been updated to include changes to the following:
▪ Remote ink-signed notarization: added a new topic on notarization standards along with specific requirements for remote ink-signed notarization (RIN)
▪ Electronic submission via loan delivery: clarified the timing expectation for a clean loan file through final editing in Loan Delivery
▪ Clarification of correction and modification policy: clarified that loans with technical or typographical corrections are not considered to be modified loans
Effective: | June 3, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Selling Bulletin 2021-4 → |
Tags: | Assets, Underwriting |
Direct account verifications (i.e., verification of deposit form)
In response to Seller feedback, we are providing greater specificity by updating our requirements when direct account verifications (i.e., verification of deposit forms (VOD)) are used.
For direct account verifications, we required additional documentation of the source of funds when the current balance in an account was significantly greater than the average balance. To align with our guidance for single deposits requiring verification, additional documentation is now required only for purchase transactions and when the current balance in an account exceeds the average balance by more than 50% of the sum of the total monthly qualifying income and the amount derived from the asset calculation for establishing the debt payment-to-income ratio described in Section 5307.1.
As an example, if the current balance reflected on the Borrower’s verification of deposit form is $15,000 and the average balance is $12,000, the source of the $3,000 increase must be verified if the Borrower’s total monthly qualifying income is less than $6,000.
We previously required third-party electronic asset verifications to identify the account with a minimum of the last four digits of the account number. We have revised this requirement to allow the asset account to be identified with a minimum of the last two digits of the account number.
Automated asset assessment with Loan Product Advisor, part of asset and income modeler (AIM), will be updated at a later date, which will be communicated when available.
Section 5501.3 has been updated to reflect these changes.
Effective: | June 3, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Selling Bulletin 2021-9 → |
Tags: | Employment, Income, Underwriting |
We are updating our requirements for third-party income and employment verifications as follows:
Guide impacts: Sections 5302.2 and 5302.3
Effective: | June 3, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | VA VA Circular 26-21-07 → |
Effective: | June 4, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | VA VA Circular 26-21-09 → |
Tag: | Application |
This circular announces that VA will continue to use VA Form 26-1802a, HUD/VA Addendum to Uniform Residential Loan Application.
Effective: | June 5, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Lender Letter (LL-2021-10) → |
Tags: | Underwriting, Refinance |
Fannie Mae is introducing the RefiNow refinance option that offers expanded eligibility to benefit borrowers at or below 80% of the area median income (AMI) limit and helps more borrowers take advantage of the current low interest rate environment. Refer to the lender letter for the RefiNow requirements.
Effective: | June 5, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Fannie Mae Release Notes → |
Tag: | Underwriting |
During the weekend of June 5, 2021, Fannie Mae will implement an update to Desktop Underwriter® (DU®) Version 11.0, which will include the implementation of the RefiNow™ refinance option applicable to DU Version 11.0 loan casefiles submitted or resubmitted to DU on or after the weekend of June 5, 2021.
Effective: | June 9, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | Freddie Mac Bulletin 2021-22 → |
Tags: | Loss Mitigation, Income |
Freddie Mac Servicing Guide Bulletin 2021-22 announces Servicing Guide updates to address third-party mortgage assistance funds; updates to Form 479A; extinguishment of rights in collateral; depository account monitoring clarification; Exclusionary List screening requirements for loss mitigation activities; workout incentives contact updates; short sale minimum net proceeds; Payment Deferrals and assumptions; Payment Deferral offer EDR code; and income source references.
Effective: | June 9, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | Fannie Mae SVC-2021-03 → |
Tags: | Loss Mitigation, Income, IRS, Insurance |
Fannie Mae SVC-2021-03 announces Servicing Guide updates to address updates to verification of borrower’s income and assets; post-forbearance disaster payment deferral; IRS reporting; Fannie Mae Software Subscription Agreement Master Terms and Conditions; and verbiage related to hazard loss disbursements.
Effective: | June 12, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Montana Final Rules → |
Tags: | Montana, Licensing |
The Montana Division of Banking and Financial Institutions amended its rules that implement the Montana Mortgage Act (MMA) effective June 12, 2021.
Effective: | June 13, 2021 |
Industry: | Consumer Lending, Mortgage Lending, Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | New York New York Assembly Bill 5630 → |
Tag: | Power of Attorney |
New York Assembly Bill 5630 reforms the statutory short form and other powers of attorney for purposes of financial and estate planning.
Effective: | June 15, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Fannie Mae Frequently Asked Questions 6/15/2021 → |
Tags: | Underwriting, Refinance |
This article addresses a recently released set of FAQs common questions about the features, requirements, and benefits of the RefiNow™ mortgage, an affordable refinancing option to make it easier and less expensive for qualifying homeowners to reduce their monthly housing costs.
Effective: | June 15, 2021 |
Industry: | Consumer Lending, Mortgage Lending, Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | Oregon Oregon Senate Bill 765 → |
Tags: | Oregon, Notary |
Oregon Senate Bill 765 makes permanent provisions allowing notary public to perform notarial act using communication technology for remotely located individual under certain circumstances effective June 15, 2021.
Requires a notarial certificate be included in a tangible copy of any electronic record to satisfy recording requirements, if the notarial officer executing the notarial certificate certifies that the tangible copy is an accurate copy of the electronic record.
Effective: | June 15, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Texas Texas House Bill 2533 → |
Tags: | Texas, Property - Appraisal |
Texas House Bill 2533 permits licensed appraisers to perform evaluations rather than full appraisals for financial institutions where full appraisals are not required by federal guidelines and permits lenders to use both employee-conducted evaluations and automated valuation systems; effective June 15, 2021.
Effective: | June 16, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Freddie Mac Bulletin 2021-20 → |
Tag: | Underwriting |
Home Possible® Mortgage Area Median Income Limits
As announced in our May 27, 2021, Single-Family News Center article (opens in new window), Loan Product Advisor and the Home Possible Income & Property Eligibility tool (opens in new window) will be updated on June 16, 2021 to reflect the 2021 area median income (AMI) limits.
The FHFA provides the AMI estimates to Freddie Mac, which we use to determine if the Borrower’s annual qualifying income meets Home Possible Mortgage eligibility requirements.
For Manually Underwritten Mortgages, the updated Borrower income limits will be effective for Mortgages with Application Received Dates on and after June 16, 2021.
See Bulletin for complete details.
Effective: | June 16, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | West Virginia West Virginia Senate Bill 42 → |
Tags: | West Virginia, Foreclosure, Abandoned Property |
West Virginia has amended provisions by adding thereto a new section, designated §8-12-22, relating to foreclosure actions involving abandoned properties; authorizing a municipality to commence a proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction in the county in which the property is located to compel a foreclosure; defining “vacant and abandoned property”; designating the Zombie Property Remediation Act of 2021; and requiring conveyance of the deed following foreclosure.
Effective: | June 16, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Fannie Mae LL-2021-10 Updated → |
Tags: | Underwriting, Refinance |
Fannie Mae Lender Letter (LL-2021-10) announces changes to the RefiNow option previously published on May 5, 2021, to allow existing subordinate financing to be simultaneously refinanced as part of a RefiNow transaction, provided certain requirements are met, permit borrowers who have resolved missed payments due to a COVID-19 forbearance to be eligible for a new RefiNow transaction, and clarify the paystub requirements to align with current policy.
Effective: | June 16, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending, Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | Fannie Mae Announcement → |
Tags: | Insurance, Underwriting |
Fannie Mae announces a new coverage calculator for 1- to 4-unit properties, PUDs, detached condominiums, attached condominiums, and co-ops for lenders and servicers to determine the minimum flood insurance coverage required by Fannie Mae.
Effective: | June 17, 2021 |
Industry: | Consumer Lending, Mortgage Lending, Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | West Virginia West Virginia Senate Bill 469 → |
Tags: | West Virginia, Notary |
West Virginia Senate Bill 469 permits the appearance by video for purpose of notarial acts, permanently authorizing remote online notarizations effective June 17, 2021.
The law requires that when using RON, the notary must indicate that RON was used. Docutech has added the following statement to various documents: “This notarial act involved the use of communication technology.”
Effective: | June 18, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | New Mexico Senate Bill 365 → |
Tags: | New Mexico, Anti-Predatory Lending, Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) |
New Mexico Senate Bill 365 enacts changes to the prohibitions and requirements relating to certain adjustable-rate home loans effective June 18, 2021.
Effective: | June 23, 2021 |
Industry: | Consumer Lending, Mortgage Lending, Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | Maine View Source → |
Tags: | Maine, Notary |
Maine House Paper 1033a/L.D. 1399 continues temporary modification of certain in-person notarization and acknowledgment requirements and develops the permanent implementation of remote and online notarization effective June 23, 2021.
Effective: | June 25, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Fannie Mae Release Notes → |
Tag: | Property - Appraisal |
Fannie Mae is releasing Collateral Underwriter® (CU®) Version 5.0 on June 25, which will include an enhanced user interface, which will incorporate the two existing versions of CU into one platform, and message updates to provide additional guidance, retire less effective messages, and add overvaluation messages.
Effective: | June 25, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Fannie Mae Frequently Asked Questions update June 2021 → |
Tag: | Property - Appraisal |
Fannie Mae has provided an updated FAQ document to common questions related to Fannie Mae’s property eligibility and appraisal policies.
Effective: | June 30, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Selling Bulletin 2021-16 → |
Tags: | Power of Attorney, Underwriting |
In Bulletins 2020-48 and 2021-4, Freddie Mac updated the power of attorney (POA) requirements found in Section 6301.4. As a result of Seller feedback, we are revising those requirements to provide greater clarity and flexibility and to remove certain obligations. With this Bulletin, we are:
Guide impact: Section 6301.4
Effective: | June 30, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Selling Bulletin 2021-9 → |
Tags: | Power of Attorney, Underwriting, Closing |
Effective for Application Received Dates on or after June 30, 2021, but Sellers may implement sooner if possible
In Bulletins 2020-48 and 2021-4, we updated the power of attorney (POA) requirements found in Section 6301.4 to provide more flexibility when using POAs. In response to client feedback, we are extending the mandatory implementation date to June 30, 2021.
Guide impact: Section 6301.4
Effective: | June 30, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | FHA Mortgagee Letter 2020-38 → |
Tag: | Claims Processing |
Effective June 30, 2021, no claim submissions, regardless of submission method, will require a Borrower’s SSN.