Compliance Calendar
Your Financial Credit & Compliance Research Library.
Your Financial Credit & Compliance Research Library.
Effective: | September 1, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | Fannie Mae Release Notes → |
Tags: | Foreclosure, Investor Reporting |
Fannie Mae announces that Property 360™ will eliminate manual submissions for REOgram notifications for Real Estate Owned (REO) properties acquired through foreclosure or Mortgage Release (deed-in-lieu of foreclosure) and REOgrams will not be processed through Asset Management Network after September 1, 2021.
Effective: | September 1, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | Fannie Mae LL-2021-12 → |
Fannie Mae provides advance notice of upcoming changes to investor reporting processes and systems, which will simplify and streamline servicer reporting and will be introduced in a phased approach beginning September 2021 and will continue through 2022.
Effective: | September 1, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending, Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | Texas Texas Senate Bill 1900 → |
Tags: | Texas, Licensing |
Texas Senate Bill 1900 amends provisions regarding requirements for maintenance and location of offices under its Residential Mortgage Loan Company Licensing and Registration Act effective September 1, 2021.
Effective: | September 1, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Freddie Mac Bulletin 2021-29 → |
Tags: | Underwriting, Property - Appraisal |
Freddie Mac Selling Guide Bulletin 2021-29 announces updates relating to revised requirements for Home Possible Mortgages with Seller-funded Affordable Seconds®, updates related to Caution Mortgages, updated Manufactured Home appraisal and CHOICEHome® requirements, updated requirements for determining loan-to-value ratios for “no cash-out” refinance transactions for Manufactured Homes, updated property eligibility requirements related to group homes, additional clarity related to the External Seller Setup Manager role in Loan Selling Advisor®, removing delivery requirements for Advanced PITI Payments and Principal Curtailments for Cash-Released XChange®, Puerto Rico 30-day Average SOFR-indexed ARM Notes and Riders, and the glossary addition of “Credit Fee” and “Credit Fee in Fixed Dollars”.
Effective: | September 1, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Fannie Mae SEL-2021-08 → |
Tags: | Underwriting, Assets, Credit - Liabilities, ATR-QM, Loan Documents |
Fannie Mae has updated the Selling Guide to allow lenders to utilize a positive rent payment history to help increase homeownership opportunities for certain first-time homebuyers, update the credit score used by DU in the eligibility assessment when there is more than one borrower, incorporate policies in Lender Letter LL-2021-11, provide more detailed instructions related to business continuity, cross-default provisions, and clear reporting standards, update lender down payment assistance, DU Version 11.0 September updates, and update co-op document requirements.
Effective: | September 1, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | Fannie Mae Servicing Guide Announcement (SVC-2021-04) → |
Tags: | Servicing, REO, Foreclosure |
REOgram™ notifications
To simplify the REOgram notification process, servicers must now use Property 360 to review and confirm the REOgram notification within one business day upon receipt of the daily REOgram notification for any property acquired through foreclosure sale or acceptance of a Mortgage Release. Servicers must review and resolve any exceptions from the daily notification in Property 360 no later than three business days, if applicable. Prior to this change, servicers used our data entry application – AMN. Although there is no current impact, there is a future update that will impact reverse mortgage loans.
Effective: Servicers are encouraged to implement this policy change immediately, but must do so by Sep. 1, 2021.
Effective: | September 1, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Servicing Announcement (SVC-2021-05) → |
Tags: | COVID-19, Servicing, Fees, Loss Mitigation, Foreclosure |
This Announcement includes updates to the following :
Effective: | September 1, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Fannie Mae SEL-2021-07 → |
Tag: | Underwriting |
Fannie Mae SEL-2021-07 announces Selling Guide updates to clarify the policy on prohibited refinance transactions to include that a transaction is not eligible as a limited cash-out refinance if the borrower completed a cash-out refinance transaction with a note date 30 days or less prior to the application date of a new refinance secured by the same property.
Effective: | September 2, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | Fannie Mae Release September 2, 2021 → |
Tags: | Servicing, Investor Reporting |
On September 2, 2021, Fannie Mae published their policy and operational changes to streamline and simplify its Master servicing process and systems.
Effective: | September 2, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | FHA FHA INFO #21-70 → |
Tags: | COVID-19, HECM, Servicing, Loss Mitigation |
FHA has issued temporary partial waivers to requirements in Mortgagee Letter 2015-11 and Mortgagee Letter 2016-07, to provide mortgagees with expanded flexibility to help senior homeowners with HECMs struggling financially due to COVID-19.
• Temporary partial waiver of Mortgagee Letter 2015-11. This waiver allows mortgagees to offer repayment plans to HECM borrowers with unpaid property charges regardless of their total outstanding arrearage and is effective through June 30, 2022.
• Temporary partial waiver of Mortgagee Letter 2016-07. This waiver permits mortgagees to seek assignment of a HECM immediately after using their own funds to pay unpaid property taxes and insurance on or after March 1, 2020. Additionally, it eliminates the three-year waiting period for such assignments. The waiver is effective through June 30, 2022.
As the nation continues its COVID-19 recovery, these waivers offer relief to HECM borrowers who were unable to make timely property charge payments due to financial
hardships resulting from the pandemic.
Mortgagees are encouraged to thoroughly review both waivers and the policies outlined in Mortgagee Letters 2015-11 and 2016-07.
Effective: | September 7, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | New Mexico New Mexico Supreme Court → |
Tags: | New Mexico, Foreclosure |
New Mexico
I. For all foreclosure cases filed on or after September 7, 2021, a Certification of the Absence of Loan Modification and/or Loss Mitigation Negotiations must be executed and submitted to Court with the judgment pleadings for the Court Clerk to accept the filing. A copy of the form is attached.
The Plaintiff’s Certification of the Absence of Loan Modification and/or Loss Mitigation Negotiations form must be executed by the Plaintiff/Lender/Servicer certifying 4 things:
Our suggested procedure for this Certification at judgment time:
Here is the link to the NM Supreme Court website to view the docs:
And the two new forms to be executed:
Effective: | September 7, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | New York Senate Bill 50001 → |
Tags: | New York, Foreclosure, COVID-19 |
New York enacted provisions for residential foreclosure protections specific to Part C, Subpart B of Senate Bill 50001.
This section shall apply to any action to foreclose a mortgage relating to residential real property, provided the owner or mortgagor of such property is a natural person, regardless of how title is held, and owns ten or fewer dwelling units whether directly or indirectly.
Effective: | September 8, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | VA VA Circular 26-21-16 → |
Tags: | Disaster, Loss Mitigation, Foreclosure |
VA Circular 26-21-16 expresses concern about the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) home loan borrowers affected by Hurricane Ida and describes measures mortgagees may employ to provide relief.
Effective: | September 8, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | Fannie Mae SVC-2021-06 → |
Tag: | Loss Mitigation |
Fannie Mae announces Servicing Guide updates including updated Lender Record Information (Form 582) requirements, as well as removal of the requirement to conduct the final interior property inspection for a Mortgage Release.
Effective: | September 14, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Fannie Mae Frequently Asked Questions → |
Tags: | Underwriting, Quality Control |
On September 14, 2021, Fannie Mae published the updated Positive Rent Payment History in Desktop Underwriter Frequently Asked Questions.
Effective: | September 14, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | VA Circular 26-21-17 → |
Tags: | Loss Mitigation, COVID-19, Claims Processing |
VA Circular 26-21-17 provides technical information on how loan servicers can submit a request for a partial claim payment under the COVID-19 Veterans Assistance Partial Claim Payment program (COVID-VAPCP).
Effective: | September 15, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | Delaware Delaware House Bill 159 → |
Tags: | Delaware, Foreclosure |
Delaware House Bill 159 modifies the locations where sheriff's sales may be conducted to provide the sheriffs with needed flexibility and modernize the sheriffs' sale process effective September 15, 2021.
Effective: | September 17, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Fannie Mae Change Notification July 20, 2021 → |
Tags: | Property - Appraisal, Quality Control, Underwriting |
Fannie Mae announced the retirement of Collateral Underwriter Message 797, effective September 17, 2021.
Effective: | September 22, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | USDA PN 554 → |
Tag: | Underwriting |
RHS announces revisions to HB-1-3555, Chapter 11, Ratio Analysis effective September 22, 2021.
Effective: | September 22, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Freddie Mac Bulletin 2021-30 → |
Tags: | Underwriting, Secondary |
Freddie Mac Selling Guide Bulletin 2021-30 announces removal of the limit on the volume of deliveries of single-family mortgages secured by second homes and Investment Properties previously published in Guide Bulletin 2021-21, effective immediately.
Effective: | September 22, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | USDA PN 554 → |
Tags: | COVID-19, Loss Mitigation, Foreclosure |
RHS announces revisions to HB-1-3555, Chapter 18 Policy Updates COVID-19 Special Relief Measures.
Effective: | September 25, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Bulletin 10 PA. CODE CH. 59 → |
Tags: | Loss Mitigation, Servicing, Pennsylvania |
The Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities adopted provisions relating to mortgage servicer regulations that include definitions, early intervention requirements for certain borrowers, and loss mitigation procedures effective immediately.
Refer to the bulletin for the extensive updates.
Effective: | September 27, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | Freddie Mac Bulletin 2021-18 → |
Tag: | Claims Processing |
Freddie Mac Servicing Guide Bulletin 2021-18 introduces PAID (Payments Automated Intelligent and Dynamic), a reengineered expense reimbursement tool that replaces Reimbursement System (VendorScape® ) on September 27, 2021.
On or after September 27, 2021, Servicers must submit all expense reimbursement requests and requests for pre-approval (RPA) submissions through PAID instead of through the Reimbursement System (also known as VendorScape®).
PAID enables Servicers to submit, manage, and view the status of expense reimbursement requests. Servicers will submit requests for reimbursement at the expense level versus at a claim level. The workflow combines the expense and the RPA into a single streamlined submission. PAID provides real time decisions on whether an expense is payable, including data validation for required edits. PAID has also simplified the bulk upload functionality that automatically creates multiple expenses or RPAs from a single imported file. Furthermore, the reporting functions provide Servicers a comprehensive view of all expenses and a complete loan history for enhanced oversight.
PAID will be accessed through Servicing Gateway. Learn more by visiting the PAID web page.
See Guide Bulletin for complete details.
Effective: | September 27, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | FHA FHA Mortgagee Letter 2021-24 → |
Tags: | Loss Mitigation, COVID-19, HECM |
This ML provides an additional period of up to six months of COVID-19 Forbearance when the initial Forbearance was requested between July 1, 2021, and September 30, 2021.
HUD is also providing an additional period of up to six months for a COVID-19 HECM Extension when the initial extension request was made between July 1, 2021, and September 30, 2021.
This ML also establishes an initial COVID-19 Forbearance period or HECM Extension for up to six months when requested between October 1, 2021, and the end of the COVID-19 National Emergency. Further, this ML provides an additional COVID-19 Forbearance or HECM Extension period of up to six months if the initial COVID-19 Forbearance or HECM Extension is exhausted and expires during the COVID-19 National Emergency.
No COVID-19 Forbearance period may extend beyond six months after the end of the COVID-19 National Emergency or September 30, 2022, whichever is later.
Please refer to the Mortgagee Letter for full details for the COVID-19 forbearance period based on date of initial COVID-19 forbearance.
Effective: | September 28, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | Maine Maine LD 1066 (SP 334) → |
Tags: | Maine, Foreclosure |
Maine LD 1066 (SP 334) is an act to clarify the definition of a "mortgage servicer" in the laws governing mortgage foreclosures, effective September 28, 2021.
Effective: | September 28, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Maine Maine Senate Paper 205 → |
Tags: | Maine, Compliance, Underwriting |
Maine Senate Paper 205 enacts an Act to protect consumers against predatory lending practices effective September 28, 2021.
Effective: | September 29, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Servicing |
Source: | VA Circular 26-21-19 → |
Tags: | COVID-19, Loss Mitigation |
The VA published this Circular to communicate that servicers may continue offering loan deferment as a COVID-19 home retention option, according to VA’s COVID-19 Home Retention Waterfall.
Effective: | September 29, 2021 |
Industry: | |
Source: | VA VA Circular 26-21-20 → |
Tags: | COVID-19, Loss Mitigation, Servicing |
For borrowers who have not received a COVID-related forbearance as of September 29, 2021, servicers should approve requests from such borrowers provided that the borrower makes the request during the National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic.
VA expects that all COVID-related forbearances will end not later than September 30, 2022.
Effective: | September 30, 2021 |
Industry: | Mortgage Lending |
Source: | Fannie Mae , Freddie Mac Uniform Closing Dataset Critical Edits Implementation Timeline → |
Tag: | Uniform Closing Dataset (UCD) |
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (the GSEs) are implementing a two-year transition to convert certain edits in their Uniform Closing Dataset (UCD) collection solutions from “warning” to “critical/fatal.” The transition will begin in May 2021 and is designed to enhance data quality and consistency for single-family loans purchased by the GSEs.
Phase 2 Closing Disclosure Sections:
• Loan Terms
• Projected Payments
• Cash to Close
• Summaries of