Compliance Calendar

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Compliance Calendar for November 2023

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Oklahoma SB 794- Supervised Loan Rate Updates

Effective: November 1, 2023
Industry: Consumer Lending, Mortgage Lending
Source: Oklahoma   Oklahoma Senate Bill 794 →
Tags: Oklahoma, Consumer

Oklahoma SB 794 increases the maximum loan finance charge that may be levied by a supervised lender by including the federal funds rate published by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Servicing Updates

Effective: November 1, 2023
Industry: Mortgage Servicing
Source: Freddie Mac   Bulletin 2023-17 →
Tags: COVID-19, Servicing, Quality Control, Loss Mitigation

On August 9, 2023, Freddie Mac published this bulletin updates and changes to COVID-19 temporary servicing guidance, expense reimbursement for preservation and maintenance of vacant properties, reimbursements for legal costs, contract noncompliance and contract change compensatory fee, and a few additional updates.

COVID-19 Payment Deferral and Fannie Mae Flex Modification for COVID-19 Impacted Borrowers

Effective: November 1, 2023
Industry: Mortgage Servicing
Source: Fannie Mae   Lender Letter 2023-07 →
Tags: COVID-19, Servicing, Quality Control, Loss Mitigation

On August 9, 2023, Fannie Me published this Lender Letter updates and changes to COVID-19 Payment Deferral, Flex Modification for COVID-19 impacted borrower, evaluation hierarchy for a borrower impacted by COVID-19, updates to the Investor Reporting Manually, and the Appendix.

Fannie Mae Selling Guide Announcement

Effective: November 1, 2023
Industry: Mortgage Lending
Source: Fannie Mae   Fannie Mae Selling Guide Announcement (SEL-2023-08) →
Tags: Assets, Underwriting, Property - Appraisal, Income

The Selling Guide has been updated to include changes to the following:

▪ Personal gifts and gifts of equity: clarifying requirements when the donor is the seller of the property and when the source of the gift is an estate or trust

▪ 3D printed homes: clarifying property eligibility and comparable sales requirements for 3D printed homes

▪ Trust income: updating the policy for using income earned from a trust towards qualifying

▪ Miscellaneous updates:

o Removal of closing protection letter requirement for manufactured homes

o Shared appreciation provider requirements

Freddie Mac Selling Updates

Effective: November 1, 2023
Industry: Mortgage Lending
Source: Freddie Mac   Bulletin 2023-22 →
Tags: Underwriting, Income, Fees

This Guide Bulletin announces:

Income updates

    • Written income analysis updates

    Timeshare related obligations

    • Guidance related to timeshare loans and timeshare maintenance fees

    Additional Guide updates

    • Further updates as described in the Additional Guide updates section of this Bulletin

    All of the changes announced in this Bulletin are effective immediately unless otherwise noted.


    Written income analysis

    We have provided examples of content that may be included in a Seller’s written income analysis to emphasize the importance of documenting the Seller’s income analysis and calculation, which may aid in future secondary reviews.

    Guide impact: Section 5301.1


    We have updated the Guide to address timeshare-related obligations by specifying that:

    • Timeshare loans are considered installment debts, regardless of how they are reflected on the credit report (e.g., as a mortgage); as such, payments for timeshare loans are not considered housing payments, and foreclosure recovery time periods for reestablishment of credit are not applicable to timeshare loans in foreclosure,
    • Timeshare maintenance fees are not required to be included in the Borrower’s monthly debt payment-to-income ratio, and
    • Timeshare ownership is not considered an ownership interest in a residential property for purposes of the Glossary definition of “First-Time Homebuyer”

    Guide impacts: Sections 5202.5, 5401.2, Exhibit 1 and Glossary

    Uniform Instruments

    We have updated Exhibit 4A, Single-Family Uniform Instruments, to reflect a new version date for the District of Columbia Security Instrument, which was revised to provide more clarity to Section 26(a). This update supersedes the June 2023 revisions to the District of Columbia Security Instrument. The revised District of Columbia Deed of Trust will have a revised tagline showing a version date of (Form 3009 07/2021 (rev. 08/23)).

    Guide impact: Exhibit 4A

    Additional resources

    The updated Security Instruments are available on our 2021 Uniform Instruments webpage(opens in new window).

    Credit Fees

    Credit Fee updates

    We have made Guide updates related to Credit Fees and created new Section 5701.13 to require Sellers to refer to Exhibit 19, Credit Fees, for Credit Fees related to Condominium Units, including Detached Condominium Units.

    Guide impacts: Sections 4607.17, 5701.13 (new) and 6302.20

    Update to Guide Exhibit 19A, Credit Fee Cap Eligibility Criteria

    In Bulletin 2023-3, we introduced Exhibit 19A, which included CHOICERenovation® Mortgages in the list of products eligible for the Duty to Serve Credit Fee Cap. To address subsequent Seller feedback, we have updated Exhibit 19A to reflect that CHOICEReno eXPress®, a type of CHOICERenovation Mortgage, is eligible for the Duty to Serve Credit Fee Cap. As with all CHOICERenovation Mortgages eligible for the Duty to Serve Credit Fee Cap, CHOICEReno eXPress Mortgages must be delivered in accordance with Section 6302.43(b).

    Guide impact: Exhibit 19A

    Delivery program eligibility for super conforming Mortgages

    For Sellers with Pricing Identifier Terms that permit delivery of fixed-rate super conforming Mortgages under the Guarantor program, we have updated our delivery program eligibility to allow delivery of fixed-rate super conforming Mortgages under fixed-rate Cash Contracts, provided the Seller’s negotiated provisions do not specify otherwise.

    Guide impact: Section 6302.31


    For a detailed list of the Guide updates associated with this Bulletin and the topics with which they correspond, access the Bulletin 2023-22 (Selling) Guide Updates Spreadsheet via the Download drop-down available at

    Oklahoma Citizenship Affidavit

    Effective: November 1, 2023
    Industry: Mortgage Lending
    Source: Oklahoma   OK Senate Bill 212 →
    Tags: Oklahoma, Real Property Transfer

    Effective November 1, 2023, Oklahoma county clerks will require an affidavit regarding compliance with state laws on foreign property ownership to be included with every deed filed.

    FHA ML-2023-18 Update to the Sales Comparison Approach for Manufactured Housing

    Effective: November 2, 2023
    Industry: Mortgage Lending
    Source: FHA   Mortgagee Letter 2023-18 →
    Tags: Manufactured Homes, Property - Appraisal, FHA

    On November 2, 2023, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued ML-2023-18 updating the sales comparison approach for manufactured housing effective immediately.

    VA Regional Loan Center (RLC) Outlook Mailbox Transition to ServiceNow

    Effective: November 3, 2023
    Industry: Mortgage Lending, Mortgage Servicing
    Source: VA   VA Circular 26-23-21 →

    The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Loan Guaranty (LGY) program is publishing this Circular to notify participants of the VA Home Loan program such as lenders, servicers, Veterans and other external stakeholders that RLC-based Outlook mailboxes used for submitting customer service inquiries or program specific questions to Construction and Valuation (C&V) and Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) personnel will be decommissioned and transitioned to a ServiceNow Portal. The link for the ServiceNow portal, along with contact information for other areas of LGY, can be found here:

    Extension of the Foreclosure Moratorium in Connection with the Presidentially-Declared Major Disaster Area in Maui County, Hawaii

    Effective: November 9, 2023
    Industry: Mortgage Servicing
    Source: FHA   Dear Lender Letter 2023-10 →
    Tags: Foreclosure, Quality Control, Loss Mitigation


    Extension of the Foreclosure Moratorium in Connection with the Presidentially Declared Major Disaster Area in Maui County, Hawaii


    This Dear Lender Letter (DLL) extends the foreclosure moratorium in Maui County, Hawaii.

    Effective Date

    This DLL is effective immediately. The moratorium will remain in effect through May 6, 2024.

    Public Feedback

    HUD welcomes feedback from interested parties for a period of 30 calendar days from the date of issuance. To provide feedback on this policy document, please send feedback to Office of Loan Guarantee at HUD will consider the feedback in determining the need for future updates.

    Affected Programs

    This guidance applies to the Section 184A Native Hawaiian Housing Loan Guarantee (Section 184A) program


    HUD imposes an automatic 90-day foreclosure moratorium beginning on the date of any Presidentially Declared Major Disaster Area declaration. On August 0, 2023, President Joseph R. Biden declared Maui County, Hawaii, a major disaster area due to the wildfires that decimated the county. HUD’s automatic foreclosure moratorium is set to expire on November 8, 2023.

    Due to the extent of the devastation from the wildfires and due to the unique geographic location of Maui, which makes recovery more difficult, HUD is extending the foreclosure moratorium to allow extended loss mitigation. HUD believes that borrowers need the additional time provided by the moratorium to access federal, state, or local housing resources and to consult with HUD-approved housing counselors.

    Extension of Foreclosure Moratorium for Maui County, Hawaii

    Properties guaranteed by the Section 184A program are subject to a moratorium on foreclosure through May 6, 2024. The moratorium applies to the initiation of 184A mortgage assignments to HUD and 184A mortgage assignments already in process.

    Deadlines for the first legal action and reasonable diligence time frame are extended by 180 days from May 6, 2024.


    Any questions regarding this DLL may be directed to

    Update to Property Inspection Fees

    Effective: November 14, 2023
    Industry: Mortgage Lending
    Source: FHA   Mortgagee Letter 2023-20 →
    Tags: Property Inspection, Property - Appraisal, Property Preservation

    Subject: Update to Property Inspection Fees

    Purpose: This Mortgagee Letter (ML) updates inspection fees for Property Preservation and Protection.

    Effective: Date The provisions of this ML may be implemented immediately.

    All updates will be incorporated into a forthcoming update of the HUD Handbook 4000.1, FHA Single Family Housing Policy Handbook (Handbook 4000.1).

    Affected Programs: The provisions of this ML apply to all FHA Title II Single Family forward mortgage programs.

    Background: HUD requires mortgagees to perform property inspections to determine occupancy status, ascertain property condition, and to maintain property
    preservation. Property inspections ensure the condition of FHA-insured properties do not contribute to neighborhood blight but support vibrant communities while safeguarding the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund. HUD recognizes that FHA’s reimbursable expenses for inspection costs have not kept up with industry costs. Through this ML, HUD is increasing the allowable inspection fees to align with industry standards. HUD will continue to review its maximum property preservation allowances
    to ensure the allowable fees align with industry standards.

    Summary of Changes: This ML updates Appendix 7.0 – Property Preservation Allowances and Schedules (Applies to Servicing Only) for property inspections.

    Fannie Mae Servicing Guide Announcement

    Effective: November 29, 2023
    Industry: Mortgage Servicing
    Source: Fannie Mae   SVC-2023-05 Update →
    Tags: Loss Mitigation, Servicing, Quality Control

    Loan Modification Agreement Updated Nov. 29, 2023:

    This topic has been deleted.

    Loan Repayment Relief for Borrowers

    Effective: November 30, 2023
    Industry: Mortgage Servicing
    Source: VA   VA Circular 26-23-25 →
    Tags: Loss Mitigation, Servicing, Foreclosure

    The purpose of this Circular is to announce a foreclosure moratorium and update servicers on how to assist borrowers.

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